Women Empowerment


Every 90 seconds, one woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth.

The Reality – – More than half of these deaths can be avoided if women are provided with proper healthcare on time.

The Truth – In many areas around the world, male patients are prioritized over females, both on societal and institutional levels.



The average employment to population ratio is 72% for men and 47% for women, globally.

The Reality – Only 4.8 percent of CEO positions in known corporations is held by women.

The Truth – Two third of the illiterate population around the world are women.



One in every three women around the world has been a victim of physical or sexual abuse.

The Reality – 92% of the victims experience such abuse in public places.

The Truth - 70% of the victims are abused by someone they knew.


The stats clearly indicate the abuse of human’s right as faced by women around. The saddest part is that despite including numbers from developed countries the stats remain horrible and ugly to say the least. The only way to change the reality is to empower these women and give them a leveled field to play their part.

At ZForce, we understand that it requires creating an environment where women are safe, independent, and equally respected without any bias or discrimination. We work on initiatives that focus on women’s education, health, safety, as well as creating career opportunities in terms of employment as well as entrepreneurship.

We believe that stronger women are the most crucial element in building stronger generations. Help us give them the power they deserve!

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